tirsdag den 27. maj 2008
Hsks5 Quidditch and Sock duel
I got ewerything ready for quidditch, ohh how I hope that we Hufflepuffs will catch the snitch.
Later im on to be studdying for this secon of quidditch, Ofcorsse I have read the book, but in danish, I've got the movie... Evan better the book in english is comming by owl wery soon... CAN'T WAIT.
What is one dooing while waiting... Knitting on the bag... It's soon ready for felting...
Then there is the sock duel, the pattern is realised thuesday. Hope that it wount be to hard. The sock is of by owt to Canada thise time.
Earlyer this week (Monday) I send an owl for UK the weather was so so bad, raining all day, hope thta it will have a safe jurney.
lørdag den 24. maj 2008
Hsks5 - knitting with Elanor and Hagrid
Elanore invited me for a knit-in at Hagrids place, and we did some wonderful knitting. One of the things i got made was this nice want cozy for my spoillie Emma.
I have put a candy want in it, im sending it by owl this monday.
I more than halway on the bag, wich is ment to be don this friday, I hope that I'll make it.
torsdag den 22. maj 2008
Hsks5 - Dueling club + bag design
Im prepering for the sock duel next weeak, this is what I kno from the daily prophet: Im fild up with nerves, there are some serius knitters among us... I hope to last more than one round.
Dueling Club
The yarn type and needle size will be released on Thursday, May 22nd.
These are the people that I have in the club.
Sock Bracket:
The yarn type and needle size will be released on Thursday, May 22nd.
These are the people that I have in the club.
Sock Bracket:
Madam Ferula FinniganElanor Cadogan
Enna KirtsLily FlitwickCliodna AcromantulaLucretia PlunkettDanZaraella DaemonovaKaaelana Lassanda AllinadaCallipe CandleworthMinerva KwikspellWisteria LovegoodJalanna KedavraMiranda MoonstoneOphelia BallycastleLaeita Khandylle Haxloeffen-BharnoellAbigail Zinerva
My good friends!I worked the graveyard job Tuesday night (switched with someone), went to the day job yesterday, walked into my house after coming home last night and promptly fell asleep for the next 11 hours!!! Of course, I woke up twice to go to the restroom, but can you believe it??? And in the middle of the week too! So, as I prepare to go back to work I figured that I must get the specifications out to the Dueling Club if nothing else this morning. Don't forget! The pattern will not be released until next week. Today is only for the tools.
Sock Bracket Tools
100 gm sock yarn. Fleece Artist's Merino Sock yarn suggested, but not mandatory. Any sock yarn with 28-30 stitch gauge is fine.
1 set of 2.5 mm double-pointed needles.
Stitch holderColor variations on both patterns do no really matter. The hat pattern has cables, so I would suggest a solid color yarn or else it's hard to see the cable pattern. Don't worry if you haven't done cables before. It's not too hard and they are always a good technique to master :)
100 gm sock yarn. Fleece Artist's Merino Sock yarn suggested, but not mandatory. Any sock yarn with 28-30 stitch gauge is fine.
1 set of 2.5 mm double-pointed needles.
Stitch holderColor variations on both patterns do no really matter. The hat pattern has cables, so I would suggest a solid color yarn or else it's hard to see the cable pattern. Don't worry if you haven't done cables before. It's not too hard and they are always a good technique to master :)
Note: I am adding to more names to the sock bracket. Sign ups for the Dueling Club are closed.
Laeita Khandylle Haxloeffen-Bharnoell and Abigail Zinerva
Just a picture of my Hufflepuff bag, hope that I can get it done by the 30. of may
its duble knittingonsdag den 21. maj 2008
hsks5 - bag design contest on Ravelry
For et stykke tid siden strikkede jeg denne taske som Tove Fejrø har designet (mønsteret kan købes i Bettedesign). Nu var det bare sådan at jeg var vild med hele ideen i tasken, men endte med at ændre en del (der der kender tasken kan tydeligt se ændringerne).
Og nu har jeg strikket endnu en, med endnu flere ændringer, som en del af en så kaldt Hksk5 taske design konkurence. Min taske er til Ravenclaw huset.
Jeg kalder mønsteret mit, men med stor inspiration fra Tove, derfor er hun både nævnt her og i mønsteret du finder over under mine opskrifter Ravenclaw bag
Tasken er lynhurtigt strikket, det tager omkring 3 Harry Potter film, så er den i hus, altså lige bortset fra filtningen i maskine og stencil trykket.
Sometime ago I knitted the green bag. The pattern is an altred version of Tove Fejrø's bag "Taske med læg" for those who know it, the alterations is easy to se.
Now I have been knitting yet another bag, this time with evan more alterations. Now i think it is my design, but by grate inspration from Tove Fejrø.
The bag is for the Ravenclaw house. Im making it for the Hsks5 bag design contest on Ravelry.
The bag is wery easy to knit, it take about 3 Harry Potter Movies, and then there is the felting and the stencil... But the knitting is fast.
Jeg laver Stencil gennem papir - I make Stencil on paper.
Og nu har jeg strikket endnu en, med endnu flere ændringer, som en del af en så kaldt Hksk5 taske design konkurence. Min taske er til Ravenclaw huset.
Jeg kalder mønsteret mit, men med stor inspiration fra Tove, derfor er hun både nævnt her og i mønsteret du finder over under mine opskrifter Ravenclaw bag
Tasken er lynhurtigt strikket, det tager omkring 3 Harry Potter film, så er den i hus, altså lige bortset fra filtningen i maskine og stencil trykket.
Sometime ago I knitted the green bag. The pattern is an altred version of Tove Fejrø's bag "Taske med læg" for those who know it, the alterations is easy to se.
Now I have been knitting yet another bag, this time with evan more alterations. Now i think it is my design, but by grate inspration from Tove Fejrø.
The bag is for the Ravenclaw house. Im making it for the Hsks5 bag design contest on Ravelry.
Get the pattern here
The bag is wery easy to knit, it take about 3 Harry Potter Movies, and then there is the felting and the stencil... But the knitting is fast.
Jeg laver Stencil gennem papir - I make Stencil on paper.
mandag den 19. maj 2008
Reducio sock - mini sock swap
I've got my mini sock swap paggede to day, the pour owl have been on the way for days, all the way from Virginia in the US.
There were 3 paggeges and a nice letter from Ophelia, aka Jeffifer Walter, who also is in the Hsks5 swap, she is in the house of Slytherin, how fun is that ;)
This is what she have been spoling me with, a nice Hufflepuff hous sock, the most tightly knitted sock I have ever seen, it is so perfect, then there is a tiny sheep for a keychain, and a bee tape measure, it is so cool... There were also some Harry Potter sweets, I don't think we have this in Denmark, love to taste it!
then there is the card, the sweetest card made by her just for me, and with love...
This is more than I have ever thougth that I woud get, I got no words, other than it is the most perfect gift.
Thank you for sending me all this nice stuff!
There were 3 paggeges and a nice letter from Ophelia, aka Jeffifer Walter, who also is in the Hsks5 swap, she is in the house of Slytherin, how fun is that ;)
This is what she have been spoling me with, a nice Hufflepuff hous sock, the most tightly knitted sock I have ever seen, it is so perfect, then there is a tiny sheep for a keychain, and a bee tape measure, it is so cool... There were also some Harry Potter sweets, I don't think we have this in Denmark, love to taste it!
then there is the card, the sweetest card made by her just for me, and with love...
This is more than I have ever thougth that I woud get, I got no words, other than it is the most perfect gift.
Thank you for sending me all this nice stuff!
Hsksawp 5 - my spoiler
I do not think that I rembered to mention the person spoling me this semester on Hagwarts, it is
Miranda Moonstone from the Ravenclaw house, I love the look on her blog you should tjeck it out.
Then there is the person whom I get to spoil Emma Wigworthy I have mentiont her, the reson that I am mention her agin is that she is designing the coolest bag, you have to go to her site to tjeck it out.
Miranda Moonstone from the Ravenclaw house, I love the look on her blog you should tjeck it out.
Then there is the person whom I get to spoil Emma Wigworthy I have mentiont her, the reson that I am mention her agin is that she is designing the coolest bag, you have to go to her site to tjeck it out.
søndag den 18. maj 2008
torsdag den 15. maj 2008
working progress photos
Det har været nogle fantastiske sommer dage vi har haft. Det fik sat gang i sokkerne, da de jo er nemme at sidde ude med.
It has been some lovely sommerdays, and I have been knitting on some of my socks, due to them beeing easy knitting outside.
Mine Ravenclaw sokker er stort set færdige, mangler lige lidt broderi, ja og så skal opskriften skrives ind.
My Ravenclaw socks are as good as done, just need a bit embrodery, and the writing the pattern down.
til min forkælelse ven i england har jeg lavet en lille sok, der er holderen til disse skønne Ravenclaw markører, pakken er sendt i dag. sokken vil jeg også lave en opskrift til.
For my swap partner in England, I have been making this little sock as a holder for the Ravenclaw markers, as I also have been dooing for her. It is shiped of to day. Im going to make a pattern for the sock.
Gaven - The pressent :)
Jeg skrev i sidste uge at jeg arbejdede på et taskemønster, sådan ser tasken ud, lige når den er blevet filtet i maskinen. Men den mangler noget...
Last week I wrote about a pattern for a bag that im working on, this is the bag when it just have been felted in the machine... BUT it neede somethinge more... ;)
More to come!
onsdag den 14. maj 2008
Hsksawp 5 - Hufflepuff quiz
warming up for the Quidditch quizzes later on we were given this quiz to day
The answers are all in your housemates blogs somewhere. ~F
note the questions in red are easy you are to answer them about yourself
1. Is from a muggle family and the first to attend Hogwarts?
Esmrald Rosmerta (3. may)
2. When knitting socks you use dpn's, 2 circ, 1 circ 1 sock, 1 circ 2 socks?
I'm using dpn,s 5 at a time, not 4 like the english. :)
3. Their owls name is Owlbert?
thats Elanor Wigworthy's
4. Beat Agatey Mirrofold in a contest?
Lily Cleatwater
5. Your favorite non 'puff color?
Purple, green, dark blue, pink, rosa, brown
6. They learned to knit for a school play?
Emma Kettleburn
7. They got engaged last week?
That was Selena Starfire, Aaron proposed saturday evning - Have to say, LOVE the ring, Congratulations
8. One sentence/statement you would use to describe your stash?
manifold - Good for my creative abilities.
9. Their best class is Divination?
Dasy Chang
10. Last term everyone thought you were your sibling?
Antonio dela weasley
11. When not going to Hogwarts your favorite thing to do is?
Knit in public with frinds, talking, but moste of all beeing with my boyfrind.
12. You have read the books, watched the movie or both?
Both, but the reeding was in danich
13. Your family includes?
My sister and I (not to worry got good frinds)
14. They have frogs in their room?
Clidonia Acromantula
15. Has a dog named Kluane?
Its Ursula Longbotton (shh we can sneeg him in, I know a way)
16. My favorite thing to knit is.
Now its socks, before that it were swetters.
last a picture. please attach a picture of your Favorite Harry Potter Character. (this is practice for the Quidditch quizzes later.)
note since I know the answer I will only be answering the questions about me....
That were a hard quiz, I truly need to studdy... But it's nice to get to know eachother. Every one here is sweete and so helpfull - Thank you :)
The answers are all in your housemates blogs somewhere. ~F
note the questions in red are easy you are to answer them about yourself
1. Is from a muggle family and the first to attend Hogwarts?
Esmrald Rosmerta (3. may)
2. When knitting socks you use dpn's, 2 circ, 1 circ 1 sock, 1 circ 2 socks?
I'm using dpn,s 5 at a time, not 4 like the english. :)
3. Their owls name is Owlbert?
thats Elanor Wigworthy's
4. Beat Agatey Mirrofold in a contest?
Lily Cleatwater
5. Your favorite non 'puff color?
Purple, green, dark blue, pink, rosa, brown
6. They learned to knit for a school play?
Emma Kettleburn
7. They got engaged last week?
That was Selena Starfire, Aaron proposed saturday evning - Have to say, LOVE the ring, Congratulations
8. One sentence/statement you would use to describe your stash?
manifold - Good for my creative abilities.
9. Their best class is Divination?
Dasy Chang
10. Last term everyone thought you were your sibling?
Antonio dela weasley
11. When not going to Hogwarts your favorite thing to do is?
Knit in public with frinds, talking, but moste of all beeing with my boyfrind.
12. You have read the books, watched the movie or both?
Both, but the reeding was in danich
13. Your family includes?
My sister and I (not to worry got good frinds)
14. They have frogs in their room?
Clidonia Acromantula
15. Has a dog named Kluane?
Its Ursula Longbotton (shh we can sneeg him in, I know a way)
16. My favorite thing to knit is.
Now its socks, before that it were swetters.
last a picture. please attach a picture of your Favorite Harry Potter Character. (this is practice for the Quidditch quizzes later.)
note since I know the answer I will only be answering the questions about me....
That were a hard quiz, I truly need to studdy... But it's nice to get to know eachother. Every one here is sweete and so helpfull - Thank you :)
mandag den 12. maj 2008
Taske design - bag design
Jeg har intet billede at vise endnu, jeg er i gang med et taskedesign, endnu en konkurence gennem Hogwarts-verdenen. Jeg designer to tasker en til Hufflepuff, der er til at samle opskrift prints i, og en til min pakkeven Spinningmaid (Emma), der er a Ravenclaw huset. Denne vil jeg først have fokus på, designet er inspireret at Tove Fejrø's taske med vandrette læg. Den bliver strikket i en blå-gylden kauni, og senere filted i maskine. Billede kommer først på bloggen, når tasken er sendt afsted, og opskriften er skrevet. Dette skulle gerne ske i løbet af ugen.
I have no pictures to show yet. Im designing some Hogwarts house bag's one for the house of Hufflepuff and one for the house of Ravenclaw, Inspered by the Tove fejrø design for a bag, Im knitting it in a blue and golden kauni, and then felting it. The Ravenclaw bag i for my spoilerfrind Spinningmaid (Emma) and thats the design that will be in focus this week. Pictures and pattern will be releced this week.
I have no pictures to show yet. Im designing some Hogwarts house bag's one for the house of Hufflepuff and one for the house of Ravenclaw, Inspered by the Tove fejrø design for a bag, Im knitting it in a blue and golden kauni, and then felting it. The Ravenclaw bag i for my spoilerfrind Spinningmaid (Emma) and thats the design that will be in focus this week. Pictures and pattern will be releced this week.
søndag den 11. maj 2008
Hskswap 5 - my swap frind
To day I got to know who it is im going to spoil for the next months... Its Ann Kingston akk spinningmaid, one of my favroit sock designers from GB West Yorkshire to be correct. If you, like me are in to the Harry Potter knitting fun, her patters are so unick and absolutly gorgeus.
Im thinking, how in the world am I giong to spoil her... Uhh it takes grate preperrations... I'll better get to it... She is a Ravenclaw, a fabuless sock knitter, a mother, a brittan, full of great humor, kind, helpfull... She deserves the best.
Og så lige på dansk, nogle tænker måske - hvad har hun nu gang i... Ganske kort, jeg har meldt mig til en Hogwards strikke bytte forkæle leg, der forløber over de næste par månder. Bloggen vil bære tydeligt præg deraf. Derfor bliver alt hvad der har med emnet at gøre titlet med HKSWAP5, hvis alt det her Harry Potter strikke sjov, ikke er noget for dig... OG er du som mig lidt tosset med Harry Potter, så læs med, der kommer til at ske en masse sjov.
Jeg skal igennem hele forløbet forkæle Ann Kingston sokkedesigner fra England, bedre kendt som spinningmaid, hendes side og opskrifter er værd at tjekke ud. Fat Dankortet og gør dig klar, for du vil EEEELSKE hendes opskrifter...
Nyd det gode danske forsommer vejr :)
Im thinking, how in the world am I giong to spoil her... Uhh it takes grate preperrations... I'll better get to it... She is a Ravenclaw, a fabuless sock knitter, a mother, a brittan, full of great humor, kind, helpfull... She deserves the best.
Og så lige på dansk, nogle tænker måske - hvad har hun nu gang i... Ganske kort, jeg har meldt mig til en Hogwards strikke bytte forkæle leg, der forløber over de næste par månder. Bloggen vil bære tydeligt præg deraf. Derfor bliver alt hvad der har med emnet at gøre titlet med HKSWAP5, hvis alt det her Harry Potter strikke sjov, ikke er noget for dig... OG er du som mig lidt tosset med Harry Potter, så læs med, der kommer til at ske en masse sjov.
Jeg skal igennem hele forløbet forkæle Ann Kingston sokkedesigner fra England, bedre kendt som spinningmaid, hendes side og opskrifter er værd at tjekke ud. Fat Dankortet og gør dig klar, for du vil EEEELSKE hendes opskrifter...
Nyd det gode danske forsommer vejr :)
lørdag den 10. maj 2008
Hsksawp 5 - Hufflepuff
I've resived the letter to day - And YES YES YES - I'm in Hufflepuff's dorm...
Looking forward to getting my Swap frind... This is going to be so much great fun.
Looking forward to getting my Swap frind... This is going to be so much great fun.
torsdag den 8. maj 2008
tirsdag den 6. maj 2008
Harry Potter mini sock swap
Så er der igen gang i noget på Ravelry.com denne gang er det inde for Harry Potter Temaet, nemlig små "hus" sokker, der skal sendes ud til en ven. Min ven tilhører huset Gryffindor, så jeg laver denne lille sok til hende... mønsteret er her fra som det ses har jeg selv tegnet løven. der kommer et mønster her med tiden!
Once agin, Im in a swap on Ravelry, this time its the Reducia sock - mini sock swap. Im doing this Gryffindore house sock for my frind, Ive got the pattern here the lion i draved by hand. Ill make a pattern some day for the blog.
søndag den 4. maj 2008
Livstykke skokker by Geilsk og Beckmann
Min kære veninde Heidi har sammen med Bente lavet opskriften til disse fantastiske sokker, som jeg nu har fået på pindene. De er en sand førnøjelse at strikke... Siden jeg på strikke festival i Næstved lånte blusen af Karen har jeg vidst jeg en dag ville strikke den... Nu er jeg startet med at strikke sokkerne, men blusen kommer helt sikkert også på pindene.
My dear frind Heidi have together with Bente made a pattern for these amasing Livsstykke sokker (socks). They are a dream to knit, and fast aswell. At the knitting festival in Nestved, I borroed Karens cardigan (livsstykketrøjen), at that time I knew that I just had to knit it some day. Now Im knitting the socks, and soon I'll be knitting the cardigan aswell.
My dear frind Heidi have together with Bente made a pattern for these amasing Livsstykke sokker (socks). They are a dream to knit, and fast aswell. At the knitting festival in Nestved, I borroed Karens cardigan (livsstykketrøjen), at that time I knew that I just had to knit it some day. Now Im knitting the socks, and soon I'll be knitting the cardigan aswell.