A few years ago I made a pattern for some yogi-pants, after that I have sew'en quit a few of them. Now im thinking of knitting a pair. The inspiration for that I got form my all time faveorite danish designer Bente Geil aka
Geilsk - she is working on a pattern for pants, I have seen some of the pictures, and I simply cant wait for the pattern. So now im on to making a pattern for knitted yogi-pants my self.
The stencil i made on the pants.
The pattern.
Waaauw! Glæder mig til at se Bente's opskrift også, det skulle vist (igen) være noget überlækkert.
SvarSletNemlig ja, mega lækkert design, garn og ja - hvad kan jeg sige, jeg synes faktisk hun med den opskrift har overgået sige selv, det bliver en ægte sæl'ert. :)
SvarSletthose are awesome. i can't wait to see the knitted ones!!! I would love a pair myself for yoga class! :)
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