Then came the working day agin, sigh! Could easaly take one more week of hollyday, for the children it was the same... 8 ó clock this morming, they sat on their chairs with their noses in the table, some were late, all together we all were 100% not up to it. Evean the staff room were as if in hibernation, usaly we can talk the hind leg off a donkey.
Kl. 15 sad jeg stadig og kæmpede med forberedelsen til et lille IT projekt i 2. kl. hvor jeg har nogle støtte timer. Måske tog man munden for fuld da man tilbød klasselæren at varetage IT undervisningen. Hvordan er det lige man underviser i programmet photo story, når der er omkring 30 unger, der alle mener de har førsteret på hjælp, alle vil ha' en computer selv... Behøver jeg nævne standart i Københavnske skoler (vi har ca. 1 comp. til 3 - 4 elever i et computer rum) Team work tænker en klog - men hvem skal skrive... Bla Bla Bla...
At 15 in the afternoon I were working on the perparation for an small IT project for 2.grade, were I am a resource teacher some hours a week. Perhaps one overdid it, by saying that I could teach IT, how is it that one is should teach about 30 children in the age 8 year how to use the program photo story. They are alle wery selvcentered, and all want to have the computer, we have about 1 comp for 3-4 children in the I demands all from a teachers energy.
Sad som sagt og forberedte mig på intrudoktion til programmet, og fik pludselig frygteligt ondt af mig selv... Måtte lige se på lidt strikke blogs, det havde jeg jo fortjent! Og så så jeg den - den mest vidunderlige sweater - på Karens side. Havde sagt jeg ikke ville begynde på noget nyt stort, men det er jeg NØD til, jeg må bare strikke den!
As I said, I was perparing for the interdoktion for the program, when I sudenly felld wery sorry for my self, I Just had to have a little peak on on some knitting blogs, I deserved it! Ant then I saw it - the moste marvellous sweater - on Karens site. I was not met to start a new big thing before I've got something finished, I just have to knit this one - NOW.