Sometime in oktober I've starte this Poncho - Lavender by Amimono. This is actually one of the patterns with no mistakes in it. anyhow I vish for more gudinge in the pattern, such as, how many purl st. there are between the cable after the increasc. For the M/L there are 14 purls! ;) My tiny non Math brain are not happy to make the calculations - Now its don.
Nu ikke kun brok, jeg elsker opskriften, og er vild med Helgas design.
Don't want to nag anymore about it - when al come down to it I love Helgas patterns and all her designs.
En dag inden alt for længe er den også færdig, men med 384 masker på pinden, er der LAAANGT rundt, den hvide tråd satte jeg i ved en 17 tiden i går, for at se en progression i arbejdet, om end en lille. Heldigvis er jeg nu over halvvejs. :)
Some day in the very near future its don - 384 st around slows the knitting down it's a LOOOONG way round. About 17 o'clock yesterday, I've put a withe thread in the knitweare to make the progression clear, even though in just only visible. Luckely I'm nov halfway there. :)