In English
The Value contrast: When you look at the value in a colour it is a stained shade level you look at. The value between light and dark - it is called black / white value scale. But there it is also the contrast between the 12 colours in the colour wheel as we have seen repeatedly in this series - it is called own value/ hue. Here we look at the bright colours located around the yellow and the dark they set around the blue and violet. The value contrast whether it's black / white contrast or colour contrast you can easily work in pattern even if you use the same colour, here you creates the difference between light and dark depth and space.
Strik med Valørkontrasten - de blå farver - Value from light to dark in one colour
Egen valør i farvecirklen - Own value/ hue in the colour wheel
På billedet ses for neden en violet, der er blandet med en blå, hvor de to over er mere "rene" er den nederste meleret.
Meleredegarner, garner der er farvet på en uld der er fra for eksempel grå får. Hvis du farver med den samme røde farve på et henholdsvis hvidt, gråt, brunt, mørkegråt eller sort uld vil du opnå garner med en kontrast i deres renhed. Den hvid vil vise farven mest klart, jo mere gråt, brunt eller sort der kommer i, jo mere "uren" bliver farven. Vender vi tilbage til valørkontrasten, er det "mængden" af der blandes til det enkelte garn, der er med til at bestemme, hvor lyst eller mørkt det skal være.
In English
Grading contrast: So the quality of the pure color. Here I see both how clean a color is, but also what color can be mixed with, it is often seen in melange yarns, yarns that are coloured in a wool which is, for example, gray sheep. If you color with the same red color on a respectively white, gray, brown, dark gray or black wool will achieve yarns with a contrast in their purity. The white will show the color most clearly, the more gray, brown or black that comes in, the more "impure" the color. Returning to the value contrast, the "crowd" of mix to the individual yarns that helps determine how light or dark it should be.
Kvalitetskontrast - Grade
Primær - Sekundær og tertiære farver - Primary, secondary and tertiary colours
In English
The shades of a color is determined first from the three primary colours (yellow, red and blue) from these the secondary colours (orange, violet and green) is mixed. That was the first 6 colours in our 12-colour, colour wheel, mix them again with the primary colours to get the tertiary colours - Then you have the 12 colours to work from. With white, black and gray, more or less color is quantified from the value and grade contrast on a specific color.
At blive god til at arbejde med farver, handler først og fremmest om at lytte til farverne og derefter sætte sit eget personlige præg.
Jeg håber du har nydt denne serie om farver - skriv en kommentar om hvordan du gerne vil arbejde mere med farver og post så et billede på Facebooksiden
In english
To be good at working with colours, is first and foremost to listen to the colours and then put your own personal touch in to it.
I hope you enjoyed this series on colours - write a comment about how you would like to work more with colours and postal a picture on the Facebook Page
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