Elanore invited me for a knit-in at Hagrids place, and we did some wonderful knitting. One of the things i got made was this nice want cozy for my spoillie Emma.

I have put a candy want in it, im sending it by owl this monday.

I more than halway on the bag, wich is ment to be don this friday, I hope that I'll make it.
I love knitting! The only thing I have a problem with is fuzzies which cling to my garments. The best thing to use is a fabric shaver. The best one I know of is on the link.
SvarSletHee,hee your wand cozy rocks!:)
SvarSletHi kaae! Glad you stopped by and left me a message about Quidditch. Of course I'm always glad to help a fellow Hufflepuff. We have to win that house cup this year!
SvarSletWhat happens is that the first day of Quidditch Headmistress Wartwobble will post a trivia quiz, much like the first house quiz we had at start of term. Last term it was all based on The Goblet of Fire, this term of course it will be about Order of the Phoenix.
In addition to the questions there will be a picture hunt that you have to post pictures or links to what is asked for, usually people or characters.
It's very important to post your Quidditch answers. It fulfills your posting requirement for the week and we get participation points for everyone who participates. So we want everyone to participate in Quidditch.
Then 3 days later the headmistress will release "the snitch." Which is a small icon posted on a blog which we have to find. An example will be posted to give new students an idea of what they are looking for. After the snitch is found, Quidditch is over and no one can post their quiz answers, so it's best to get that done before the snitch is released. In the last round of Quidditch last term the snitch was found within an hour of being released. So it can happen fast.
If you look back in the blogs of student who were here last term you will get a better idea of what goes on.
I'll see you on the Quidditch Pitch!