tirsdag den 15. juli 2008

Et hæfte med sokker - a sock pattern book

I længere tid har jeg tænkt over at sælge mønstre, sokke mønstre for at være konkret. Jeg ved bare ikke helt hvordan jeg skal gribe det an.
I dag fik jeg så endelig en ide... Til september holder webstrikkerne strikkefestival i Silkeborg, der vil jeg præcentere mine kære med strikkesøstere for mit sokkehæfte (det er altså kun lavet som skitse, stadig ingen strikkeprøver).

For some time I have been thinking of selling some sock patterns, I just did not know how.
Today I got an idea... In september the Webstrikkerne is having an Knitting festival... Im going to precent my sockpattern book for my knittingsisters... (This is the idea, have not knittet any of it yet)

Knitting by Kaae
5 hotte sokker
5 hot socks
-Frø sokker ~ Frog socks
- ternet sokker ~squar socks
- ankel sokker med snoning på rib og hæl ~ short socks with cables on ribbon an heel
- sok med hul mønster ~lace sock
- sok med tær ~sock with toe's

Jeg kunne godt bruge noget feed back, hvad tænker I der ude?
I could use some feed back what are you people thinking?
Ikke nok med det, hvad kan jeg tage for sådan et hæfte med opskrifter?
and what schuld the prise be?
Tak for hjælpen - Thankyou for helping :)

Hsks5 - from Eleanor

I've got these lovely stitchmarkers from Val (Eleanor Wigworthy) the day before we went for the Roskilde festival... I almost forgot to post the picture... Sorry Val.

The markers was not all tha Owlbert brougth, I also got some lovely candy (no pictures) It tastet good... You can be my swap frin the next time, and the all I wish for is that candy ;)

I hope tha Owlbert has returned safely, I tryed to feed him, but danish food was a bit to strange for him I think.

Thank you for it all Val.